


Welcome to the BYU Dutch Oven and Camp Cooking Blog!  This resource is provided primarily for members of the EXDM 223R Camping Skills Class.  The first semester for this class is Winter 2013.  The current semester is Winter 2025.  By popular demand, I have instituted this class and look forward to Dutch Oven cooking and learning together.  The blogging medium is used so students and guests can continue to access information, recipes, and evaluations long after the final cook-off is complete.


Expectations for this class are listed below:
  • You will need to attend and actively cook at least 6 out of our 8 class periods, including the Dutch Oven Cook-off.  
  • A twelve inch, regular-depth, 6 quart Dutch Oven is required for the course. 
  • You will be responsible to use your own charcoal, lighter fluid, recipe groceries, cooking utensils, and Dutch Ovens to class each week.  I encourage you to cook on your own each week, but teaming up with one partner is also acceptable. 
  • You are also required to post one Dutch Oven recipe that you have tried on your own to the blog before the last day of the semester or term.  
  • Then, you are required to try one recipe from the blog that you did not cook in class and post a review of your effort.  This requirement means that you must cook at least two recipes outside of class to pass the class.  
  • Finally, you may be required to complete a take-home exam and turn it in via email.



Here is the schedule for EXDM 223 Camping Skills for Winter 2025.  All classes will begin at 4 pm.  Besides the first class, which meets in the classroom, we will meet at the BYU River Park next to the LDS Motion Picture Studios. Each class period  will focus on cooking recipes from the topics below.  Instruction will also be provided on key camp cooking topics listed in italics.

Class 1.  Wednesday, January 8, 2025 Introduction: Syllabus and Getting Started
Class 2.  Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Dutch Oven Desserts and Sides (1/2 class for each): Charcoal
Class 3.  Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Dutch Oven Sides and Desserts (1/2 class for each): Dutch Oven Cleaning
Class 4.  Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Dutch Oven Breakfasts: Backpacking Meals Demonstration--Backcountry Cooking: Water Purification, Meal Packaging and Labeling, Seasonings
Class 5.  Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Dutch Oven Soups and Stews: Large Groups--Meal Planning, Shopping Lists, Camp Refrigeration 
Class 6.  Wednesday, April 2, 2025 Dutch Oven Breads
Class 7.  Wednesday, April 9, 2025 Dutch Oven Mains
Class 8.  Wednesday, April 16, 2025 Dutch Oven Cook-off: Prizes awarded for the top three Main Dish, Side Dish, Bread and Dessert

Before class each week a post will suggest several recipes you can choose to cook during our class time.  You will be required to use your dutch oven, charcoal, and recipe items. 


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  5. How do we report the recipes that we have tried from the blog? Also, how can I get access to the blog to add pictures?
